Back-To-School Immunity Boosters

Back-To-School Immunity Boosters

Now that it is time for your little ones to return to preschool, some of you may still be worried about your child’s health and how to keep germs away. As children and toddlers’ immune systems have yet to fully develop, they are more susceptible to germs and illnesses. So how do we boost children’s immunity as they head back to school?

Ways To Boost Your Child’s Immunity

Sleep Well

Prevention is better than cure and sleep is one great prevention strategy to fight off germs! Studies have shown that sleep deprivation reduces the body’s production of natural immunity such as protective and infection-fighting substances like antibodies. These substances are crucial in helping to fight off foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. Without sufficient sleep, young children may not be able to keep germs at bay, and it may also take them much longer to recover from illnesses.

Little ones need far more sleep than adults and as a guide, infants need up to 18 hours of sleep each day, toddlers 12 to 13 hours, and preschoolers require about 10 hours! Nap times in the day are important for children to help them recharge. Besides sufficient sleep, the quality of sleep also matters! Regular sleep routines help young ones to go to bed easily and ensures restful sleep.

So, if your child has not been having sufficient sleep, or sleeping late into the night, it is time to regulate their sleep cycle and ensure that they have the full night of rest!

The Art of Nutrition

The next essential prevention strategy is to ensure a healthy diet. Is your child craving for sweet food and snacks all the time? And in a bid to keep them occupied you have been giving in to their cravings? Well, it is certainly the time to relook at what your little ones are eating!

Fruits and vegetables like oranges, strawberries, carrots, and green beans contain immunity-boosting phytonutrients called carotenoids. These phytonutrients may raise the body’s production of white blood cells that combat infections.

Besides, having the right foods can improve brain function, memory, and concentration in young children. At Mulberry Learning’s Preschools, our menu has been developed in collaboration with an expert nutritionist to include brain foods and provide the best nutrition for your little ones. The food is freshly prepared daily by our in-house chef, and the menu is in line with the Healthy Meals in Childcare Centres Programme under Singapore’s Health Promotion Board.

Regular Exercise is Key

Nurturing a healthy lifestyle starts when one is young! Even if you cannot leave the house for a good sweat at the playground or in the park, who says you can’t put on your running shoes and do a family video workout at home. Singing nursery rhymes with simple movements also help to get your little ones moving. Furthermore, exercising together also helps to build strong relationships and bonds within the family!

Maintaining High Levels of Hygiene

In today’s world where we are all fighting the Coronavirus-19, there are also several crucial habits we have picked up and should continue to maintain them to keep viruses and bacteria at bay!

The wearing of masks or face shields outside of our homes do not just act as a layer of defence, it also helps to prevent little ones from touching their faces. Especially when curious young children love to feel and touch everything they see; it is important that they do not put the germs into their mouths.

Parents should encourage children to keep their hands clean and wash them frequently by role-modelling these hand-washing practices. As a guide, little ones should wash their hands thoroughly and with soap, before and after meals, after using the toilet, after blowing their nose or when coughing, after touching common surfaces such as doorknobs, handles, lift-buttons, et cetera. To help them enjoy washing up, allow them to pick their brightly coloured soaps and hand towels.

Practising wiping down tabletops before and after use will also help to minimise the germs from getting to little ones.

At Mulberry Learning, fun games and catchy tunes are creatively used to instil these healthy habits to teach children about keeping germs away and to keep themselves safe!

Did You Know?

Pediatricians found that children who attend child care in their early years develop a protection and better immunity against infections in their later years.

Although it may be quite worrisome for parents when they see their little ones falling ill often when they first start going to preschools, the silver lining is that at child care centres, children are exposed to more viruses than at home which primes their immune system and immunity to fight the same infections later on. This may be just another benefit of sending your child to preschool even though it is not necessarily compulsory in Singapore.

About Mulberry Learning

Established in 2006, Mulberry Learning is an award-winning Reggio-inspired preschool with 11 locations around Singapore. Mulberry Learning is the world’s first and only preschool network certified by the USA for the Habits of MindTM framework, and its curriculum has been voted as “Singapore’s Best Holistic Learning Programme” for 3 years running by leading parenting publications.

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