My Journey with Mulberry Learning for over 10 years

My Journey with Mulberry Learning for over 10 years

Teacher Wang Mei is an experienced early childhood educator and she has been with Mulberry Learning for over 10 years. Read about how her journey with Mulberry Learning!

How did you become a Senior Chinese Teacher at Mulberry Learning?

I joined Mulberry Learning as I wanted to look for a suitable childcare centre and kindergarten for my own children. As an early childhood educator, I knew how important the environment and curriculum of a preschool is to the development of children in the early years.

I was attracted to Mulberry Learning because of its conducive environment, Reggio Emilia-inspired teaching philosophy and also their award-winning curriculum. I liked how the curriculum is not like the typical top-down approach where children learn passively. Instead, at Mulberry Learning, children are active co-constructors of knowledge whereby they are inspired by the environment around them and engage in meaningful discussions with teachers to discover new concepts. The children are able to explore independently, initiate their very own learning processes and develop critical thinking skills. Teachers at Mulberry Learning function more as facilitators where we observe the children’s interest, abilities and reactions and draw up learning plans to help them unravel concepts and knowledge.

当初选择加入Mulberry Learning,其实是为了给自己的孩子们找一个更合适的幼儿园。因为作为专业工作者,我们知道什么样的幼儿园更有利于孩子们各方面的发展。 Mulberry Learning当初吸引我不单是学校的教学环镜和教学理念,还有它们的方案教学,方案教学不是让孩子被动地跟着老师学习,而是通过环境和材料的启发,老师和孩子的互动和讨论,让孩子引发一种自主思考和探索的学习过程,老师作为一名引导者,敏锐地观察孩子的兴趣、能力及反应,和孩子们一起讨论并拟定学习计划。

What makes working at Mulberry Learning so fulfilling?

The greatest joy of working as an early childhood teacher is the sense of accomplishment I feel whenever I witness the children’s progress. Looking at how they have improved, it makes me feel that all the hard work I’ve put in is worth it. Personally, I feel that “love” as a childcare teacher is extremely important. This “love” encompasses the love for the work itself and the love for children. While the children I teach may be young, I believe that they can actually comprehend if I genuinely care for them. They will then trust me and it helps them to adapt and learn more efficiently.

“As a Senior Chinese teacher at Mulberry Learning, I appreciate how the school leaders gave me a lot of guidance and trust, which made me more confident, and my standards of teaching have improved over the years.”

The i-Inspire training programme enables me to learn new skills and also from other teachers in the other Mulberry Learning centres. It also spurs me to apply the skills and knowledge learnt into practice.




What’s your secret to a long career in the early childhood fraternity?

I believe that preschool teachers will need to have a lifelong learning plan. The role of an early childhood educator is a great responsibility and it is even more necessary for us to continuously enrich and improve our own abilities.

作为老师,要有终生学习的打算, 教师角色的责任重大,就更需要不断充实和提升自我能力,要以先进的教育理念,以积极饱满的行动力,为孩子们充分着想,只有这样,才能对得起教师这份工作。

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About Mulberry Learning

Established in 2006, Mulberry Learning is an award-winning Reggio-inspired preschool with 13 locations around Singapore.  Mulberry Learning is the world’s first and only preschool network certified by the USA for the Habits of MindTM framework, and its curriculum has been voted as “Singapore’s Best Holistic Curriculum” for 3 years running by leading parenting publications.

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