Parent Referral Programme


Dear Parent,

Thank you for choosing Mulberry Learning and allowing us to be part of your childā€™s learning journey.
To refer a friend to Mulberry Learning, please provide their details under the ā€œNew Parentā€ section, along with your details in the ā€œreferral Parentā€ section.

As a token of our appreciation, both ā€œReferral Parentā€ and ā€œNew Parentā€ will receive a one-time fee rebate of S$300 and S$100 respectively in your childā€™s school fees (T&Cs apply).

What is this programme about and what will I receive?

This Parent Referral Programme is for parents who currently have their child / children enrolled in Mulberry Learning Centre. These parents (hereby known as ā€œReferral Parentsā€) will be rewarded when they refer new parents to Mulberry Learning (upon successful enrollment of the new parentā€™s child / children).

New parents, upon successful enrollment of their child / children, will also be rewarded. The table below shows more details of this program.

Parent Referral Programme

Additional Bonus

    Referral Parent's Details (Existing Mulberry Parent)
    Mulberry centre which child attends *

    New Parent's Details (Enrolling into Mulberry)
    Preferred Mulberry Centre*

    Level Interested*

        We have updated our Privacy Policy in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act. By submitting this, you give consent to Global EduHub Pte Ltd & affiliates to contact you pertaining to the above-mentioned matter.You may also receive updates on Global EduHub Pte Ltd & affiliates on happenings, events, and promotions.For more information about how we deal with your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy on the website.

    *For any enquiries, please contact us at [email protected].Ā 

    How Can I Participate?Ā 


    For Referral Parents,

    If you are an existing parent from Mulberry Learning and you know that your friends would love us as much as you do, introduce your friends here!

    Should your friends decide to enroll their children with us, you will be receiving a $300 fee rebate (per new child enrolled) and your friend will also receive a $100 fee rebate off future school fees!

    For New Parents,

    If you have been introduced to Mulberry by a friend whose child is already enrolled with us, why notĀ schedule a visit at your preferred centre? Should you subsequently decide to enroll your child with us, do remember to indicate your friendā€™s details as a referral parent, so that both of you stand to benefit!

    That means a $100 fee rebate for you, and you can now start introducing your friends to Mulberry Learning too to receive more fee rebates!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Fee Rebate

    Q: My friend recently referred me to Mulberry Learning and I have enrolled my infant. However, after the first month, my infant does not seem to like the environment and I would like to withdraw her. Can I still get my $100 rebate off this monthā€™s fees? Or perhaps get it as a form of monetary compensation?

    A: No, as mentioned in the terms and conditions, fee rebates are only credited off future school fees, typically around the 3rdĀ calendar month after the new child enrolls. This fee rebate is also not convertible to cash in the event the parent withdraws before enjoying the rebate. Kindly note that your friend will also not be able to enjoy his/her incentive.

    Q: My friendā€™s child was the child who I referred to Mulberry Learning. However, my child has graduated from Kindergarten 2 by the time the rebate is issued. Can I get it as a form of monetary compensation?

    A: No, as mentioned in the terms and conditions, fee rebates are only credited off future school fees after the 2th calendar month after the new child enrolls. This fee rebate is not convertible to cash nor is it refundable should the referral parent no longer have a child actively enrolled at that point. However, if you qualify for the additional bonus (Shopping Mall Gift Vouchers), you will still be entitled to them even after your child has graduated.

    Q: I recently enrolled my 2-year-old child into Mulberry Learning through the Parent Referral Programme, under the recommendation of my brother. He is, however, in more need of the fee rebate than I am. Is it possible to give him my $100 fee rebate instead?

    A: No, fee rebates are non-transferable, even to immediate family members or friends. However, do note that your brother would be enjoying the $300 rebate.


    General Questions

    Q: Both Friend A and I are current Mulberry Learning parents and Friend B is our mutual friend, whom we have recommended into Mulberry Learning. Is it possible for both of us (Friend A and I) to get the $300 rebate or perhaps split the rebate equally?

    A: No, each new parent can only be referred by one referral parent in the Parent Referral Programme. Your Friend B will then have to select either one of you and indicate the respective details to Mulberry Learning.

    Q: I recommended 2 of my friends to Mulberry Learning, and both signed up for different start dates. Am I eligible for the bonus entitlement?

    A: Yes, but this is dependent on when the 2nd child signs up. For example, Child A signs up in January 2018 and Child B signs up in February 2018. You will only receive your bonus entitlement in addition to the fee rebate for the 2nd child, only after the 2nd month after Child Bā€™s enrollment date.


    Terms and Conditions:

    • 1 New Parent should not be a previous Mulberry Learning parent who withdrew from Mulberry Learning.
    • 2 Fee rebate is given as a one-time credit o future monthly fees. It is not transferable or convertible to cash in the event the parent withdraws before enjoying the fee rebate, or if the monthly fees payable are less than the total rebate amount.
    • The referral is considered successful when the following conditions are fulfilled:
      • The Parent Referral Form is complete with both New Parentā€™s & Referral parentā€™s details upon enrollment and submitted to HQ-Marketing.
      • The required enrollment documents and fees payable are made at the time of registration/before the commencement of classes.
      • The New Parent enrolls his/her child in any Full Day or Half Day, Flexi Programmes, at anyĀ Mulberry Learning Centres.
    • Every New Parent can only be referred to once, by an existing Referral Parent.
    • Parents Referrals, together with the incentive rewards, are only valid if the required forms areĀ submitted prior to the enrollment of the New Parentā€™s child. Incomplete, or late submissions toĀ HQ-Marketing will be approved on a case-by-case basis only.
    • Mulberry Learning reserves the right at any time at its sole discretion to determine, vary or changeĀ from time to time the terms and conditions of this offer without prior notice & liability, by publishingĀ the amended version on the Mulberry Learning website

    Additional Terms & Conditions for Parent Referral Programme:

    • Additional Bonus will be issued along with the standard referral programme rebates in theĀ same month.
    • The fee rebate & additional bonus are given only after the 2nd calendar month, following theĀ enrollment start date by the new Parent.

    Mulberry School Tour

      Salutation *
      Surname *
      Given Name *

      Mobile *
      Email *

      * indicates required fields

      Given Name *

      Date of Birth *

      + Add another Child

      Second Child's Given Name

      Second Child's Date of Birth

      + Add another Child

      Third Child's Given Name

      Third Child's Date of Birth

      + Add another Child

      Fourth Child's Given Name

      Fourth Child's Date of Birth

      Programme Interested *

      Earliest Enrolment Date *

      How did you hear about Mulberry?
       Word of Mouth