
Nursery 1

2 – 3 years

Teacher-to-child ratio: 1 to 8

Our Nursery 1 programme is available as Full-day and Half-day Childcare options.

The move from Pre-Nursery to Nursery 1 is an exciting time. Your child can express thoughts through words or exhibit emotions in many ways. You will be amazed how quickly your child can pick up words, phrases, songs and rhymes from teachers and friends. We make sure that our Nursery 1 programmes provide a range of activities as endless as your child’s imagination.

Adopting Mulberry Learning’s proprietary iDevelop / iExplore / iLearn / iExperience model, our programmes include the building of creativity, language skills and concept knowledge alongside character and attitudes. Activities like construction and block-building, painting and drawing, outdoor and indoor gross motor play are coupled with dramatic play and dress-ups, puzzles, music, movement, singing and drama. Games, reading and story-telling also aid to promote social interactions and relationship skills development. Children enjoy exploring our Reggio-inspired learning spaces, including the special learning corners like the Construction Piazza, Light Atelier, Discovery Cove and Imaginary Playscape, which provide the children with a multi-sensorial experience.

We believe that it is important to develop the right intelligent thinking habits from young. That is why we are the first preschool network in the world to be certified, and the first in Singapore to offer the Habits of Mind™ curriculum to pre-schoolers. Our programme helps to instil in your child selected Habits of Mind™ such as the following:

  • Persisting
  • Managing Impulsivity
  • Thinking Interdependently
  • Creating, Imagining and Innovating
  • Listening with Understanding and Empathy
  • Gathering Data through All Senses
  • Striving for Accuracy
  • Applying Past Knowledge to New Situation
  • Questioning and Problem Posing
  • Thinking Flexibly
  • Finding Humour
  • Thinking About your Thinking (Metacognition)

Through daily routines, direct teaching, animation stories, situational practices, games and crafts, we inculcate in our children effective and positive attitudes toward problem solving and self-regulation. Equipping  them with leadership and observational skills whilst nurturing an individual that is creative, quick-thinking, adaptable and resilient. These become cornerstones of their character growth and valuable assets to our children in their lifelong learning journey in a volatile global environment.

Our Chinese curriculum further reinforces Habits of Mind™ through the association with famous Chinese teachings of “Di Zi Gui” (弟子规). With practical applications and reinforcement, children are able to embrace and practice the habits introduced to them in a meaningful way.

Nursery 2       

3 – 4 years

Teacher-to-child ratio: 1 to 10

Our Nursery 2 programme is available in Full-Day and Half-Day Childcare options.

Our Nursery 2 programme provides opportunities for children to expand their repository of knowledge, cultivate their strengths and interests, and build rock solid academic foundations. Through our signature Literacy and Numeracy programmes like Literacy Fun™ and Chinese Master™, children embark on a 3-year structured phonics programme to help them acquire skills to blend and decode words in their early reading adventures. Children complete all the letter sounds in Nursery 2 before progressing to digraphs and trigraphs subsequently. Children also learn more about writing, vocabulary, grammar and comprehension. Through our Math QuestTM programme, children further build their Numeracy concepts and number sense through games and activities that build their passion for learning.

In Nursery 2, we step up a notch with our Reggio Emilia inspired Project Inquiry approach. While this component was introduced to our Pre-Nursery and Nursery 1 children, they were guided a lot by teachers and the topics revolved around their everyday encounters. At Nursery 2 however, children are now able to fully experience the benefits of the Project Inquiry approach. They are given more autonomy to choose topics of their interest. They are actively engaged in class discussions, group work, and supported by their teachers to explore and find answers to their questions. Field trips, interviews, and experiments pertaining to individual projects are arranged to allow children to be fully engaged in their project investigation. With 2 English and 2 Chinese projects in a year, children will have ample opportunities to apply their language and numeracy skills through the investigation, documentation of learnings in drawings and writing, and dramatization through different forms of project presentations.

The knowledge and skills gained so far put students in good stead to progress to the final leg of their preschool journey – the Kindergarten years.

Mulberry School Tour

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